Read now - pay later
Earning money with digital magazines? No problem - thanks to our Paywall „LaterPay“. LaterPay is an easy payment service for all digital magazines created with Webmag. By using LaterPay you can ask your readers to pay at any time, e.g. before opening a cover, after the table of contents or even before reading individual articles. Another option you could offer to your readers: Instead of the classic instant purchase and subscriptions, you can also have your readers read first and pay later.
Test Webmag with paywall
You want to create digital magazines and use flexible paywalls? You can easily activate LaterPay in the plugins (a merchant account with LaterPay is required).
How does this work? Through LaterPay it's possible to purchase digital content for even the smallest amounts of money without having to pay right away. Instead your readers simply confirm that they want to pay later and get access to the chosen content. Your readers don't have to register or provide any payment details beforehand. LaterPay remembers all purchases made on the reader's device and collects the single amounts to one invoice. When your reader reached the total amount of 5.00 EUR (regardless of whether in your magazine or in another), readers will be asked to pay.
In this way, content providers generate up to 2.5 times more sales because occasional readers also contribute small amounts, e.g. those readers who find an article in your magazine on Google but don't want to buy your whole magazine. Also, readers are more likely to buy content if they can read it before paying. Around 85 percent keep their promise and pay later.
You can also request voluntary payments for your content. The participation rate here is five times higher than for content that has to be paid for in advance.
Of course, classic instant purchases can also be placed, if you are looking for a way to sell your entire magazine. Nevertheless its worth trying new ways by experimenting with the possibilities of our flexible paywall. LaterPay has been integrated as an option for all digital publications beforehand - whether magazines, whitepapers or guidebooks. Simply give it a shot and measure your result.
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Container for the dynamic page
(Will be hidden in the published article)