Tips & Tricks

5 mistakes to avoid in corporate publishing 

Corporate publishing - the corporate communication using own media and content - is becoming more and more important for companies because customers prefer content-related discussions instead of plain advertising. Businesses now have the opportunity to act on eye-level with their customers, to provide content and contributions to current debates, instead of just publishing one-way slogans. In this article you will read about key information in corporate publishing and which mistakes are best to be avoided.

1. No visible emotions and faces 

People follow people, not brands. Tell stories and take your readers behind the scenes of your company. For example, feature your employees and give a face to your products and services. Fact is: publications with emotional content have a 65% higher interaction rate.

2. No customer interactions 

Your publications are a great opportunity to get readers excited about your brand. Therefore create opportunities for interactions, for example by using call-to-action buttons, competitions, surveys or contact forms. By doing so you open up an opportunity to your readers: to deal with your offers instead of just consuming them. At the same time, you can use publications for sales and marketing and increase your return on investment.

3. Continue working with outdated formats 

Did you know that up to 80% of all publications are consumed online on mobile devices? You should therefore make sure that your content can be consumed on different mobile devices and that it complies with the latest technical standards at any time. PDFs aren’t suitable for online communication, as they do not adapt to the mobile devices, they aren’t found by search engines and are also not appropriate for social media. 

4. Producing blind content 

Days of „post & pray“ are over. You need to evaluate your consumers data to fully understand what your target groups want to read. Therefore, use modern evaluation tools and analytics to find out more about your readers and their interests. By doing so, you can customise your content and your communication better suiting to your target group, increase your reach and get the most out of your content marketing. At the same time, you can interlink and match the performance of your publications with your other channels, for example your website or your online shop. 

5. Single-channel use only 

Your corporate communication requires not only one but different channels and formats in order to represent as many facets of your company as possible and to communicate effectively with various target groups. Have you ever thought about a podcast or video format? Especially video contributions achieve a large organic reach in our current media environment. Integrate multimedia content into your publications and create a colourful reading experience. 

By using Webmag you are able to easily create company publications of the digital age - responsive, interactive, measurable. You don't need designers, IT resources or agencies. What need is: Content only. 

We deliver the tools for ideal, multimedia corporate communication. Arrange a demo now or simply upload your PDF to get to know your publication in a digital format. 

Digital magazines instead of PDFs
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